25th Anniversary ErrorPresident cuts cakePresident cuts the 25th Anniversary cake AllCairo Cafe LunchLecture25 Year HistoryAllCairo Cafe LunchLecture25 Year HistoryTypical dishCairo Cafe LunchTypical dishPhoto-2Cairo Cafe LunchMembersPhoto-3Cairo Cafe LunchMembersPhoto-4Cairo Cafe LunchMembersPhoto-5Cairo Cafe LunchAnother dishPhoto-6Cairo Cafe LunchMembers enjoying lunch25th Chocolate CakeCairo Cafe Lunch25th Chocolate CakeRapt AttentionCairo Cafe LunchPresident's AddressAfter LunchCairo Cafe LunchListening to PresidentPresident cuts cakeCairo Cafe LunchPresident cuts cakeLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLectureLecture25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year History25 Year HistoryArt Exhibition Flyer 125 Year HistoryArt Exhibition Flyer Page 1Art Exhibition Flyer 225 Year HistoryArt Exhibition Flyer Page 2 Prev Next